Oct 19, 2007

Mystery Trip: The End but The Begining of Something New

Well, we have high speed Internet again! Maybe that will help me blog a little bit more now...we'll see :-).

Everything is going well. Things have been pretty busy. The house we are living in is really nice but it has needed some work done on the inside (Like taking off wallpaper for instance. If you have ever done that before you understand just how difficult that can be...Lol!). But it is getting there and we are really happy with it. Illinois isn't home yet, but it will be in time.

I guess this will be the last post in the "Mystery Trip" series of posts. It has definitely not been an easy "Trip" but it has been worth it. God has been faithful. God has provided. God is good!

Sep 24, 2007

Mystery Trip: Finally There

Hey guys!

Well, we know where we are moving! And actually we are already there. All of our things aren't...but will be hopefully later this week.

We didn't move to Kentucky but to a state very near by. We are now in Illinois.

My dad is pastoring a church here. Everyone has been so nice to us and very, very welcoming. It has been amazing to watch God work all of this out. We know that this is what we have been waiting on.

Thank you all for your prayers. I really appreciate it a whole lot!

Jul 28, 2007

Mystery Trip: Return to USA

Wow...I'm actually blogging! It's been a long time since I posted last!

Well, I will give you guys a short update on what's happening with us.

We are still waiting on God to see where He is going to place us. My dad feels like it is God's will that he pastors a church but at this point we don't know which church or where it is. So we wait. Which is very hard after being here almost 6 months but we're hanging in there by His grace!

I'd really appreciate it if you would keep us in your prayers that God would give us patience to wait upon Him, and that He would show us where He wants us to go...that He would open up the right door and close all others.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us! We really need your prayers. It has been a period of growing and learning. Learning some of the lessons that we as humans seem to have a hard time learning, patience, trust, obedience, and submission to God.

But God has been faithful and has provided completely (and exceedingly above) for our needs. He has been good.

Thanks again for your prayers!

Until next time,


May 10, 2007

Mystery Trip: Unveiled

Hey everybody!

Sorry for the extremely late unveiling of the “Mystery Trip”. And no, we are not back from the “trip” yet. And actually…we aren’t going back. The following is not a typo: we are not going back to Belgium (To live anyway. Maybe we will go back for a visit sometime.). We have permanently moved back to the USA.

It was time for us to come home and we are happy to be back. We didn’t make the decision to leave nor did the church we are with bring us back. God brought us back.

Right now we are living in Tennessee, unsure of where we are going next. As you can imagine, we are very anxious to get to where we are going and get back to normal life. But all of it will fall into place eventually.

We would really appreciate it if you guys would pray that God would show us where He wants us to go, what ministry He has for my dad, and also that He would help us adjust to living in the USA again. It has been approximately 11 years since we have actually lived in the States. We have come back for visits and two furloughs but we haven’t lived here permanently since the beginning of 1996.

Just to let you know, I don’t think I’ll be updating my blog much, if at all, for awhile (exactly what I’ve been doing for some time now… :-)). I don’t know if I’ll continue blogging…I’ll just have to wait and see how it goes when we get where we are moving.

Thank you all (nope, not y’all….yet. :-)) for your prayers in advance! We really appreciate it.

