Oct 19, 2005

Stop and Think

We live by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7

Lifting weights is hard, disciplined work that causes pain. It’s the continual repair of the stressed tissue that builds the muscle. Weight lifters talk about “the good fail.” They lift a weight until their muscle gives out, or “fails.” Then they rest, letting the muscle repair itself. As a result, the muscle grows as it develops new layers of tissue. The process is hard and painful, but it produces results. Doesn’t that sound like faith? It seems it’s only when we’re pushed to our limit that we finally call out to God in our need, seeking Him at last for His help and guidance. It’s after our faith muscles have been pushed to their limit several times that we can look back and see the growth God has allowed in our lives.

The more we’re tested, the stronger our faith becomes. When all is well, God gets a little of our attention, our prayers are few and short, God is our good friend. When we’re in a time of testing, all our attention is focused on God, we’re crying out and pleading for Him to not only be our good friend, but also our Savior, our protector, and our guide through our present situation. When we have nothing to rely on, no hope to rest in, no “big daddy” with a blank check to cover our needs, that’s when God has our full attention. These can be the conditions that strengthen our faith.

Written by Barbara Peretti

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