I think we kinda become conditioned to hearing these things. We hear about them so much. We stop realizing how terrible they are. But when you do stop and really think about it, the thought is scary. We live in a time when it is a common thing to kill babies and it is common to kill those who are said to be better off dead. The elderly, handicapped, and babies are in danger.
Think about it: One day you and I will be one of the elderly, and some of us may be handicapped. We have survived abortion, but will we survive euthanasia. Someday will someone think us better off dead and decide to end our life early?
In modern times, we have drifted from a sanctity of life ethic to a quality of life ethic. The concept of sanctity of life is a spiritual concept; it is a religious concept. The word sanctity—which comes from the Latin word sanctitas from sanctus—means “holy or sacred unto God, inviolable, that which God has declared is of great value.” It is, therefore, a spiritual concept.
However, for a humanist or an atheist or an unbeliever of most any kind, there is no such thing as sanctity of life. Unless there is a God who has given us a spirit and who sanctifies us, there cannot be a sanctity-of-life ethic.
With such a low view of man as that introduced in the last century, should it surprise us that man has killed more of his own during the twentieth century than in all the other centuries combined? As the saying goes, “Ideas control the world.” Only by the resurgence of modern paganism, in a post-Christian culture, do we find the Nazi concentration camp, the Soviet gulag, the American abortion chamber.
Quality of life is a physical concept. No one can look at another and determine the quality of that person’s soul. If life is merely molecules in motion, then we can have a quality-of-life ethic. But if we are Christians and believe that here is an infinite, eternal, and unchangeable God who is Spirit, who has given us an eternal soul; and if we have an inalienable right to life, we cannot buy that kin of an ethic.
When Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun wrote Roe v. Wade he appealed to religion. However, he said, “If I were to appeal to religion, I would appeal to the religions of Rome and Greece”—which, of course, practiced and encouraged abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, suicide, and all the rest, including the Colosseum! He would appeal to pagan religion for support of Roe v. Wade! We are reverting, in the Western word, to heathen paganism, and most people don’t even know that it is happening!
What If Jesus Had Never Been Born by D. James Kennedy, chapter 2, pages 26-27
Picture from AbortionTV (not recommended for ages under 12)
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