Apr 25, 2006

Makeovers (on the inside): They Can Be Painful!

You have finally decided to surrender everything to God. You have asked Him to make you into the godly young man or woman that He wants you to be. You know that what God is going to do with you will be great once He’s finished.

So now God starts working on you. He starts chipping away at you. Shaping you. Molding you. And maybe this shaping and molding starts hurting a little bit. You start getting worried. You start wondering what He’s doing. And now you’re not so sure if the finished you will be so great.

I really like the TV show Extreme Makeover Home Edition. (You know the show where they come and tear somebody’s house down and rebuild it bigger and better.) Well, the families that get chosen for the Home Makeover are really excited and happy. They readily give them permission to re-do their house. But once they come and start tearing down the house, you wonder if the families ever start getting worried. I mean, come on! They at least had a house even though maybe it was in bad shape. And a house is better than no house! Even though at first they realized the finished house would be great, when they start bulldozing their house you wonder if they ever start doubting whether this was such a great idea.

It’s the same when God starts working on us. He starts tearing things down, re-doing, rebuilding, and rearranging. And sometimes that gets painful. It gets uncomfortable. But one day, the work He has begun in us will be completed. And the finished us will be so much better than anything we could have ever hoped for or even imagined! Just hang in there and trust God. Because you know what? He’s trustworthy!

...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1:6

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