Jun 13, 2006


Okay. A while back, I said something about showing you a picture of the definition of a German "pepperoni" pizza. (Actually it happened because we can't speak the German language. If we were able to speak German, it most likely wouldn't have happened so it was really our fault.) Well. . . .here 'tis:

LOL! We had a good laugh over this!!!

And here are some pictures of the birds! That is the mother with the babies (the dad takes turns sitting on the nest with her). Her name is Jolie (it is French for pretty).

And here is a pic of my birthday cake. . . .(those are chocolate "shoes" on the cake)

And I know some time ago, I posted a picture of myself. But I blurred my face. Well, here is a picture of me not blurred with my birthday cake. . . .(that's my dad's arm in the picture too!)

Well, hope I didn't bore you too bad!!!

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